"Know where the box is, then think outside of it!"

Thursday 25 March 2010

crazy interactive flowers, classic xbox, the tube...yes it could only be london

              (classic xbox)                                                               (interactive daisy)
Okay so this was a really good time to do some research into one of my chosen objects, the xbox 360. The first place we visited was a gold mine of classic toys, from the orginal xbox, as show above, to the humble train set. Seeing all these old toys made me remember what was the toy of the moment when I was younger and even before.
 (giant pin wall)
One of the toys there was a giant version of the classic pin wall toy, which enables you to leave an in print of whatever you push into it, in this case my face!
Classic scalectrics, was massive round my house hold before we had a console and can most certainly by linked with my of most of the racing games today.

One of the games I have chosen for my objects was call of duty and here is a classic example of a shooting game. Obviously this is very basic compared to shooting games today but this is where it all started.

When we went to the Vand A, we were able to play with some of the new interactive pieces they had on show. This piece above is a very quirky but clever piece, which uses hundreds of mechanical cogs and senses to capture you figure in silhouette form.